Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Halloween Party Part Deux

Like Hot Shots Part Deux is arguably superior to Hot Shots, the party we went to on Saturday night proved to be quite the event. We decided to 'phone in' our costumes and go as rednecks because we were tired from the night before (see previous post). We did not get a lot of pictures but here are a couple...

Taken at the end of the night...hence the deflated hair

Clay and Lt. Dangle from Reno 911

Clay and another redneck (we're not sure if he was in costume or not)

Brokeback Mountain

The funniest occurrence of the evening happened while a group of us were watching Game 3 of the Red Sox - Rockies World Series in the basement. An older man (no one in the group knew who he was) started lashing into Boston and lampooning us for watching the game because the Yankees are God. When a friend of ours kindly pointed out that the Yankees have not won since 2000, he rebutted with how they have 26 titles and the Red Sox only have one (*now two). He then started making jokes about Schilling's bloody sock. When I (Karen) told him that 2004 called and wanted their commentary back, he started to get really pissed and started rooting for the Rockies very loudly, swearing and acting like a jackass. He then spent the next 20 minutes or so making fun of the World Series and how much it sucks. Nothing like an obnoxious Yankee fan to brighten a party...

Happy Halloween!


Anonymous said...

Glad to see the mullet wig I got you a few years ago is still being put to good use. :-) Happy Halloween!

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha! You always meet the weirdest people. And Cleveland makes a cute cowboy!