Sunday, February 10, 2008

Chugging Along...

We’re swimming in resumes and cover letters. Our dining room table stands underneath a mountain of books (I recommend What Color is Your Parachute), paper, laptops and coffee mugs all for the sake of landing a job. My schoolwork has been pushed aside for tasks of the greatest manipulation, trying to make myself appear more marketable and more skilled than I actually am. I have been spending free time in Borders reading the books claiming to hold the secret to cover letters (don’t worry, I buy a small coffee so technically I am a patron) and leave more confused, not knowing exactly what I can do to stand out from the masses.

Oh well. It will all work out. I have faith that we will be okay. Whenever I find myself slipping into the all too comforting depression blanket I think back to this time last year. I tell myself that life is pretty good. Clay is home and safe. Our families are healthy and we have a HUGE adventure on our horizon. Now, we just need to learn to relax, stop worrying and enjoy the ride.


Jackie: said...

I am sure you will have no trouble finding a job! You would be a tremendous asset to any company!

Christine said...

You are more skilled that you think missy!!! Be yourself in any and every interview and they will LOVE you.