Friday, April 18, 2008

Tree, Please Don't Die

We're slowly making progress. Cable, Internet and phone have been installed, appliances were delivered and (yippee) our household goods arrived yesterday. Also, over the past couple of days seven (yes, seven) different phone books have arrived at our doorstep. Who could possibly need this many phone books? We typically just Google information because we're cool like that. I become sad thinking about all the trees that died to become a phone book, a phone book that will sit in a closet silently sobbing because a faster, sexier Google has replaced its only function of existence. On a completely unrelated note, we have fallen in love with the area and still can't believe this is our new home. Unbelievable.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like things are coming along nicely! Uses for the phone books: booster seats, campfire kindling, steps for world-record-breaking domino line...I could go on but will just say "Outside the box, Huffmans." Enjoy the house!

Anonymous said...

Jackie and I used to have this little old lady that lived across that street that used her's for a booster seat to drive her car HAHA!
Very scary know that I think of it.

Jackie: said...

I miss having a phone book! I don't know where to find one around here. And we haven't received any by mail.

I am glad you guys are settling in!

Christine said...

So exciting to hear you are in!

Phone books are good for balancing crooked Christmas Trees.
But then we are killing yet another tree…sorry.

Harry and Mer said...

Our phone books never actually make it into the house. They go straight to the recycling bin. I like to think they are happy because they get to be made into a new, actually useful, product.

Briana said...

I wonder if you can opt out of phone book madness? On an unrelated note, I want pictures!

Anonymous said...

Wait - how did I miss this? You're in Raleigh? I'm just 45 minutes away - East of you in Nashville, NC. I drive to Raleigh all the time -- we should meet up sometime - maybe at the Flea Market there?