Sunday, July 20, 2008

Lake Lanier and Clemson

This weekend we escaped to my parents home on Lake Lanier, GA. We had a great time on the lake and spending time with family. On the way back to Raleigh we stopped at Clemson University to show Lucy our old stomping grounds.

Dog heaven.

Lucy helping Dad navigate the waters.

Downtown Clemson, SC.

Outside Tillman Hall where we had a couple of classes together.

Clay outside of ROTC headquarters.

Hardin Hall (1890), home to the History Department; Clay practically lived there his senior year.

Brackett Hall, home to the Political Science Department; I lived there throughout my four years at Clemson.

Clemson House Dorm. I was a freshman (5th floor) and Clay was a sophomore (3rd floor). We met through friends in August 2001 and have been together ever since (cue sappy music).

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