Monday, August 6, 2007

Painting a New Adventure...

The apartment is a mess and we're slightly frazzled with disorganized 'stuff' scattered across the floor. We're preparing for the big move into our new place (hence the lack of new posts...sorry about that). After the craziness of homecoming and traveling over block leave, we're settling into *normal* life and just enjoying each and every day. We spent this past weekend painting our fun loud colored walls back to boring and mundane beige....blech....

Lucy took it upon herself to rub against the freshly painted hallway and Desi took advantage of the open second floor window...the joys of living with such mischievous animals!


Anonymous said...

That's hilarious! Joey and Phoebe always get paint on them when I am painting... but not that much!!! Glad you guys are posting again. Talk to you soon.

Anonymous said...

How did you get Desi back in?! That is nuts.

Madison, Luke, and Alexander said...

Yeah, Tiger covered himself in paint when I painted our house. It reminds me of Hasen rubbing up against the fence every summer as I painted it...Lucy looks great :)
