Thursday, January 17, 2008

Writer's Strike and Chinese Food

It is a dire state of existence when you begin to look forward to Celebrity Apprentice on Thursday nights. Chalk full of has-beens, who are they's and he/she is still around?, the show caters to the viewer who enjoys watching people caged within the D,E and even F (who the hell is Nely Galan...seriously) lists of Hollywood hierarchy. They stumble with and into 'real-world' tasks in attempt to impress Donald Trump with the intention to eventually sell books, promote new straight-to-DVD movies and live the last 7 seconds of fame (yes, Stephen Baldwin I am talking about you). Sigh...yet, we watch the future rehab patients with fascination and humility.

We miss The Office. Rewatching the three seasons on DVD and reruns on TBS is not enough. If the writers continue to strike, I am afraid that I will begin to search bathroom stalls and dark streets for my fix. The Regional Director in Charge of Sales, Andy Bernard, is no longer visiting us in our living room with new stories as we eat Chinese food (sesame chicken...drool). Instead, he is showing up later than usual and telling stories we have alread heard. Not. Good. Enough. I end this post with a declaration to The Office in the words and style of Nicole Kidman as Ada in the (bad) movie Cold Mountain. "Come back to me. Come back to Cold Mountain my living room."



Anonymous said...

AMEN! I also love the Celebrity Apprentice. I think Harry tolerates it just because it is not a re-run.

Christine said...

I like the revamp miss Karen. Glad to see everything looks happy for you guys.