Saturday, February 16, 2008

Two Times the Charm...

Clay leaves early tomorrow morning for his second trip to Raleigh, North Carolina in two weeks. We're on the right path, receiving positive feedback/offers from various companies that will allow us to have a choice of career and location. As early as this upcoming week we may make our decision and embark on our much sought after task of buying our first home (inset happy dance here).

Yes, the transition is exciting, scary and stressful but we're doing okay. I am cramming in as many appointments I can to take advantage of our last few months of free health care while Clay is completing the daunting task of hunting down every single piece of equipment he must return upon his exit. Clay's unit is preparing for a deployment in the fall (doesn't it seem like they just got home?) so our farewell will be bittersweet as we say goodbye and good luck to our friends who will be leaving for Iraq and friends who are still in Iraq. We won't forget. We still have friends and family in the Army and friends who have moved on into civilian life. I am a bit sad to leave the lifestyle but much more excited to start over somewhere new (wherever that may be).

1 comment:

Harry and Mer said...

YEAH!!!! That's so exciting. We can't wait till you guys move closer. Hopefully we will get to see you both soon. Love you guys!